Sunday, February 22, 2015

Texas Hold 'Em

Life is a dangerous thing. It can easily ruin a person. The threat of the future, the ghosts of the past, the idea of living every moment to the fullest. Wasted potential, the threat of hope. All of these things can destroy you if you let them. But sometimes you need to let go of what you wanted in the past, let go of what you want so desperately in the future, and just let the universe hand you the cards that it had planned for you all along. Why worry, why plan, why grieve, why stress about things that you can literally never have a say in? Just take the cards as they're dealt to you and play them the best you can. Play to win. If you feel like you love someone, tell them. Could it hurt you? Yeah. Could it make you happy? Yeah. Life is a poker game with the highest of stakes: happiness. Only let people that you trust see you without your poker face on. Be greedy with your chips. Don't waste your hard earned happiness in people who don't deserve it. Have fun. Do what feels good. Don't let the house ruffle your feathers. Play to win. 

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